Sunday, March 22, 2020

To the Editor

Kathryn L. Harris, "To the Editor" New York Times, March 22, 2020, p. 8SR.

     Because of the coronavirus, two of the most enduring institutions in my life are also closed; the library and the church.  I am a writer. Since the library is closed, I can't check out books, consult with library staff or use the internet.  Without the church, I can't enjoy fellowship with other congregants, listen to heavenly spiritual music, or hear the preacher preach. 


   Loss of access to the library is catastrophic for a writer who relies on its resources.  As people are quarantined for the coronavirus pandemic, those who relied on library internet have been completely cut off.  This writer makes a comparison between  the library and  her spiritual practice as similarly important to living a good life.

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