Saturday, December 18, 2021

A Place Built By Poets for Poets

 Jessica Kassiwabara. A Place Built by Poets for Poets. Poets & Writers, Jan/Feb 2022, p. 15-17.

In 2013, Sims noticed a disconnect between the community of active poets he knew from ope mics and the staff of small presses who told him they didn't know of and weren't recieving submissions from these poets. "I met all these fantastic poets, none of whom had books," says Sims.  That's when he started the Community Literature Initiative (CLI), a nonprofit organization though which he offered classes supported by his alma mater, the University of Southern California, on the process of book production, completing a manuscript and finding a publisher.  In the fourth year of running the program, Sims asked students to read one book of poetry a week, but a roadblock emerged: they couldn't find poetry books at the library.  "I didn't believe them, and then I went to the local library and there was no poetry section," says Sims. To help his students, Sims gathered eighty poetry books of his own and put them into a rolling suitcase to take to class. 


I've actually been meaning to write an article on how clueless librarians are about collecting poetry.  I'm pretty sure there are librarian poets, but whenever I want a book of poetry, the library never has it and I have to request a purchase.  What seems to baffle librarians is, poetry communities are localized, so that different places have different influential poets.  In order to get their books, you have to buy from small presses.  Instead of supporting poetry, libraries seem to have eliminated subscriptions to literary journals, or they only get a few Big Names and not the local ones that matter.  For people who like to read and write poetry, it's very, very frustrating. 

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Tarot cards are having a moment with help from pandemic

Sarah Pulliam Bailey, "Tarot cards are having a moment with help from pandemic", Washington Post December 10, 2021
The rise of contemporary artist-made tarot decks is being documented by MIT Libraries, describing the more than 400 decks as “unbound books” with narratives. MIT has purchased decks from crowdfunding platforms like Indiegogo and Kickstarter or directly from the artists on sites like Etsy with a particular interest in radical, feminist, queer, people of color, and spiritually and religiously diverse revisions. The idea for the MIT tarot library emerged after an MIT’s curator was staying in a hotel in Washington in 2018 when she saw a tarot deck for sale at the mini bar, according to Alex McGee, an archivist for MIT Libraries.
“That confirmed to us that tarot was having a moment,” McGee said. “If we’re arguing it’s an unbound book, how could we not create a space for it?”


I have often described Tarot cards as perhaps the only successful hypertext book. The librarians at MIT  agree. 

Monday, December 6, 2021

A Refugee's Story, Through Animation

 Lisa Abend. "A Refugee's Story, Through Animation", New York Times, November 28, 2021, p.AR10.

Rather than relying, as in typical documentary style, on talking heads' descriptions, Rasmussen could put Amin visibly badk in his own '80's Kabul.

Achieving that kind of narrative authenticity required a precise attention to detail, Nicholls said.  Each element in every frame had to be accurate to the time and location: the brand of pot on the stove, the quality of a sunset, even the height of the street curb.  Some of the research was conducted by Rasmussen on scouting trips, but Nichools and her team also spent a lot of time combing archives and libraries.  "Finding pre-Taliban footage of Kabul was really difficult," the said.  "I read a lot of books by Russian spies."


Since libraries tend to collect formally published English language material, the missing information that is not in libraries has charactaristic patterns.   In this instance, a filmmaker is trying to represent Kabul, Afghanistan in the 1980's and found almost no relevant information. Pretty much nobody bothered to document pre-Taliban Kabul, so that it is a place that exists only in inaccurate memories. 

'West Side Story': The Great Debate

 New York Times, "'West Side Story': The Great Debate", New York Times, pDecember 5, 2021, p. AR10.

I  first saw "West Side Story" on a VHS tape my mom and I rented from the public library when I was maybe 9 or 10.  I grew up in California, away from my Puert Rican family in Washington Heights, so I thought I might find something about my culture that I didn't know before.  But nothing onscreen -- beyond the latticework of fire escapes -- reminded me of the people or neighborhood I new from frequent visits to New York.  I finished the movie feeling even more confused than I was before about what being Puerto Rican was supposed to mean -- to me, and to the average American. 

     The identity (or lack of identity) portrayed in a popular musical by and for white people is a disappointment to a person who is a little homesick for Washington Heights.  However, the movie version of Lin-Manuel Miranda's "In the Heights" was criticized for not having enough dark-skinned actors.  The library, of course, can provide both movies to anyone who wants to judge for themselves.

Why We Want Readers to Choose the Best Book of the Past 125 Years


Sarah Bahr, "Why We Want Readers to Choose the Best Book of the Past 125 Years", New York Times, December 5, 2021.

This isn’t the first time the Book Review has anointed a favorite title. In 1996, staff members asked critics and scholars to pick the best novel of the past 25 years. (The winner, Toni Morrison’s “Beloved,” is also a finalist this year.) 

But there was little transparency about the panel’s selection process, Ms. Jordan said, and she was left wondering what other books were in the mix.

So she decided the time had come to ask again — only this time, readers would nominate the books.To reach as many readers as possible, the Book Review enlisted the help of public libraries across the country. Rebecca Halleck, an editor for digital storytelling and training at The Times, and Urvashi Uberoy, a Times software engineer, helped compile a list of email addresses for nearly 5,000 libraries, hoping they would spread word of their contest to their members.The team sent each library a flyer, designed by Deanna Donegan, an art director for The Times, and Joumana Khatib, an editor on the Books desk, that included a QR code created by the Interactive News Technology desk. When scanned, it would take people to the nomination site.


     The New York Times newspaper took advantage of the geographic distribution of public libraries to gather a list of best novels from the past 125 years to celebrate 125 years of the NYT Book Review.  The responses were winnowed into a list of 25, which includes "Beloved" by Toni Morrison, named Best Novel of the past 25 years by the NYTBR in 1996, and currently a target of right-wing censorship. 


Monday, November 22, 2021

Dictating All the Terms that Define Their Love

Jenny Block, "Dictating All the Terms that Define Their Love," (Vows) New York Times, Nov 21, 2021, p. ST17.

Over time, Ms. Wilson said her annoynace evolved into an appreciation for Mx. Reynolds' "big personality, humor and kindness." But months would pass before they actually "had a proper conversation," she added. On April 22, 2013, the last day of class, the both "hung out" with Ms. Edmondson t teh camps library's cafe and the two exhanged numbers.


In this romantic tale, the couple self describes as "lesbian-queer, interracial, progressively Christian."  They met as students in a human behavior course, but made the personal connection within the safe space of a library, and eventually married each other. 

50 Years On, a Legacy of 'Plant -Based' Living

 Steven Kurutz, "50 Years On, a Legacy of 'Plant -Based' Living," New York Times, Nov. 21, 2021, p. ST9. 

Ms Lappé was 25 and attending graduate school at the Univesity of California, Berkeley, when she began to quetion her life's purpose.  Like many in her generation, she'd read "The Population Bomb," the 1968 book by Paul Ehrlich that predicted (wrongly, it turned out) a coming amine because of overpopulation, and she was inspired by the ecological movement that led to the first Earth Day. 

Ms Lappé was also being exposed to new and different foods, including bulgur and tofu.  She started auditing courses on soil science and poring over academic reports in the agricultural library at Berkeley, to better understand the food system and global hunger. 

She was ruprised by her findings; notably, that over half of the harvested acreage in the United States at teh time went to feeding livestock, leaving more than enough food to go around if those resources were redirected.  


This research led Lappé to write the bestselling "Diet for a Small Planet" published in 1971.  It is not too much to say that she discovered her life's purpose in the library.  It is remarkable that her insight about the food system was available to anyone, but the agricultural professors and students had failed to see it.